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Rebuild Illinois Capital Quarterly and Final Report Materials

The reports ask for compliance, financial, and narrative information about the activities that took place during the grant period.


- for use with quarterly reports

- for use with quarterly reports

Deadlines for Rebuild Illinois Capital grants:

Rebuild Illinois Capital grantees will submit quarterly reports via email to Jackie Banks-Mahlum at Quarterly reports must be submitted for the duration between the grant agreement execution and the end of the grant period when a final report is submitted. Late or incomplete quarterly reports will jeopardize the scheduled release of funds.

Quarterly reports are due on the following schedule:

  • Quarter covering October 1 through December 31 - Due January 31st
  • Quarter covering January 1 through March 31 - Due April 30th
  • Quarter covering April 1 through June 30 - Due July 31st
  • Quarter covering July 1 through September 30 - Due October 31st

Final Reports will be submitted in the online Salesforce grant system 30-days after the grant period end date as stated in the grant agreement.

Quarterly Report Instructions

By the appropriate deadline submit via email to the following attachments:

  • Rebuild Illinois Report Financials (XLS)
  • Rebuild Illinois Quarterly Report Form (PDF)
  • Illinois Works Periodic Reporting Form (PDF)
  • Any new Contracts since the application or last quarterly report – merged together as a single pdf file
  • Any new Proof of Payments* since the application or last quarterly report – merged together as a single pdf file
  • Business Enterprise Program Utilization Plan (if the grant is over $250,000)

Final Report Instructions

30-days after your grant period end date submit the information detailed below in the online Salesforce grant system.

Salesforce Information:

Organization Information: provide basic contact information.

Project Information: provide details on the award type as stated in the Grant Agreement.

Financial Summary:

Grant Amount Awarded (GRA): equal to the grant amount in the award letter, grant agreement, and final report due notice.

Grant Amount Spent (SPE): reflecting grant funds committed by the award end date. Grant funds that are not spent will be required to be returned. A notice of the amount to be returned will be sent following review of the final report.

Total Cash Income (INC): equal at the minimum to the IAC grant amount plus the required cash match as identified in the grant agreement (do not include in-kind match). Explain any discrepancy in the narrative box at the bottom of the Financial Section Template. Insufficient cash match may require a portion of the grant award to be returned.

Total in-Kind (INK): the amount of goods and services provided during the grant period that would otherwise have been cash expenses.

Total Expenditures less in-Kind (EXP): equal at the minimum to the IAC grant amount plus the required cash match as identified in the grant agreement. When the amount is GREATER THAN Total Unrestricted Revenue less In-Kind provide an explanation in the narrative box at the bottom of the Financial Section Template. When Total Expenditures less In-Kind (EXP) is greater than five percent of your Total Unrestricted Revenue less In-Kind (REV), provide a detailed explanation of how the deficit occurred and the plans to resolve the deficit in the narrative box at the bottom of the Financial Section Template.

Individuals Benefitting: Using the information from the completed Final Report Attachment Form template (either Planning and Implementation), enter summary information for each field.

Individuals Benefiting:

Individuals Benefiting from Project (IND) should reflect all people who saw or took part in activities during the grant period. This DOES NOT refer to how many people benefited financially. This field cannot be zero. 

Youth Benefiting from Project (YTH) should reflect the number of youth included in IND who were 18 years old or younger.

Artists Involved in Project (ART) refers to how many living artists had their work presented or took part in the project or performance during the grant period. If zero, enter 0.

Total Volunteers Participating in Project (VOL) refers to the number of individuals who provided in-kind services during the grant period.  If zero, enter 0.

Total Jobs Created

National Endowment for the Arts Requirements: provide estimates of the population that directly benefited from the award during the grant period.

Project Activities Location: provide information on the locations of activities supported by the award during the grant period.

Attachments: upload each of the following:

  • Rebuild Illinois Report Financials (XLS)
  • Illinois Works Certificate of Completion Form (PDF)
  • Any new Contracts since the application or last quarterly report – merged together as a single pdf file
  • Any new Proof of Payments* since the application or last quarterly report – merged together as a single pdf file
  • Business Enterprise Program Utilization Plan – for grants over $250,000 that did not submit their plan with a quarterly report

Certification: In this section, certify the final report. 

Required Fields

In each section, fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields. The Salesforce system will not allow you to submit your Final Report without responding to these requirements. 

Direct questions regarding the filing of the final report to Sandra Velazquez, Accountant Supervisor at 312/814-4993 or Sandra.Velazquez​

*Proof of Payments

The Proof of Payments attachment should follow the same principals as details in the Rebuild Illinois application guidelines:

Applicants with project budgeted of $500,000 and below need to provide proof of payment for 25% of project expenditures.

Applicants with project budgets above $500,000 need to provide proof of payment for 50% of project expenditures.

If applicants have BEP vendors, the proof of payments should include documented proof of payment for BEP vendors.

Note that addition proof of payments may be requested at any time. 

Proof of Payment may be documented with:

  • Receipts
  • Lien Waiver
  • Cancelled Checks
  • Wire Transfer Documentation
  • Electronic Payment Documentation

Proof of Payment documentation will continue throughout the quarterly and final reporting process for all grantees.

Please contact Jackie Banks-Mahlum,, with any questions
