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Individual Artist Support Final Report Materials

How to Complete the IAS Final Report

Final Reports for the Individual Artist Support Initiative – Professional Development and Artist Project Grants will be filed electronically using the Salesforce system.  To learn how to access and use the Salesforce system, refer to the Using Salesforce section of the IAC website.  

The Final Report will report on your project or professional development activity that took place during the grant period as specified on the grant agreement.

You will be required to provide financial, statistical and narrative information on the project/activity that took place during the grant period.  In addition you will be required to submit documentation materials related to the project/activity.


Final Reports must be submitted electronically through the Salesforce system no later September 30, 2023.

Salesforce Information:

The electronic portion of the final report is divided into four sections:

  • Grantee  Information – in this section you will provide your name, grant number and  contact information
  • Project – in this section you will provide details regarding the project or activity for which you received support.  This includes statistical information and bottom line budget figures.
  • Attachments –in this section you will upload the Narrative, Budget Detail (template provided), and materials (brochure/flyer/news release/article/work sample links) documenting the project or activity and acknowledgement of the IAC.   If you are unable to provide materials that acknowledge the IAC, please provide an explanation in the narrative. 
  • Certification - In this section you will certify the final report.

Required Fields:

In each Salesforce section, fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.  These fields are applicable to all grantees and the  Salesforce system will not allow you to submit your Final Report without responding to these required fields.  In addition, based on the type of project or activity supported and the  grant you received, there may be other fields that you are required to complete to ensure the final report requirements are met.  For specific instructions see the Work Samples / Documentation of Project or Activity Section.

Attachment A: Narrative:

Attach a two page narrative, which responds to each of the following questions. Please be sure to restate each question preceding your response.

  1. Describe the project/activity as completed during the grant period.
  2. Were there major changes to your project/activity?  If so, please describe.
  3. Summarize the impact this grant had on your career and professional life.

Attachment B: Budget Detail (Template Provided)

Complete the Budget Detail showing the actual cash income and expenses for the funded project/activity.  Save the document as a PDF or excel file and label as follows Last Name_First Name_final_B.pdf/xls

Attachments C and D: Documentation/Promotional Material

Upload up one or two examples of published materials (brochures, flyers, news releases, reviews/articles) related to your project/activity  and your compliance with the IACA funding acknowledgement requirement (“This program partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency”). If you are unable to provide materials that acknowledge the IACA, please provide an explanation why in the narrative. Acceptable formats for uploaded files are PDF, JPEG, or WORD (All word documents must be saved as .doc or .rtf files). If you are unable to provide this documentation electronically, you may submit hard copies.

Attachment E: Work Sample Links

Upload a document with online links to video/audio/digital images of the funded project.  This could include documentation on sites such as VIMEO, YouTube, Flickr or your own website.

Work Samples/Documentation of Project or Activity:

Outlined below is the specific documentation and work samples to be submitted based on the type of activity/project.

Professional Development Recipients:

  • Artist workshop, conference, or residency program attendance: Submit brochures/programs/agendas from program you attended or participated in.  These examples may be uploaded as Attachments C and D or hard copies may be submitted.
  • In addition, when possible, submit up to three (3) samples of work created and/or developed as a result of your participation in the artist workshop or residency. Upload a document with online links to Attachment E.  If no online documentation is available, hard copies must be submitted. (See work sample guidelines for appropriate format.)
  • Promotional or marketing activities:  Submit materials created as a result of this grant.   These examples may be uploaded as Attachments C and/or D, or hard copies may be submitted. 
  • For website development/marketing, provide the URL of the site or project as Attachment E.
  • For other Professional Development activities or if documentation/work samples are not available, contact the appropriate Program Director to discuss alternative submission.

Artist Project Recipients:

  • All Artist Project recipients must submit at least two (2) examples of published materials (brochures, flyers, news releases, reviews/articles) related to your project and your compliance with the IAC funding acknowledgement requirement (“This program partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency”). If you are unable to provide materials that acknowledge the IAC, please provide an explanation why in the narrative.  These examples may be uploaded as Attachments C and D or hard copies may be submitted. 
  • In addition, recipients must submit documentation/work samples of funded project.  Upload a document with online links to Attachment E.  If no online documentation is available, hard copies must be submitted. (See work sample guidelines for appropriate format.)
  • If documentation/work sample are not available, applicants must contact the appropriate Program Director to discuss alternative submissions.

Work Sample Guidelines:

When possible, use Attachment E to provide online links to work samples of the funded project.  This could include documentation on sites such as VIMEO, YouTube, Flickr or your own website.

Final Report Definitions:

  • Individuals Benefiting from Project (IND) should reflect all people who saw or took part in the project. This DOES NOT refer to how many people benefited financially. (This field cannot be zero.)
  • Youth Benefiting from Project (YTH) should reflect the number of youth included in the IND field who were 18 years old or younger. (If zero, enter 0.)
  • Artists Involved in Project (ART) refers to how many living artists had their work represented in a project or how many artists took part in the project or performance. (include self)
  • Total Volunteers Participating in Project (VOL) refers to the number of volunteers who worked on the project.  (If zero, enter 0)


The numbers preceding the definitions correspond to the numbers on the accompanying Final Report. Refer to these definitions when completing this report.

*Note: Project/Activity is defined as the activity for which grant funds were used.

Actual Project Income

  1. IAC Grant Amount: Be sure to provide the correct grant amount awarded.  Check your original grant agreement, award letter or Final Report due notice for the amount.
  2. Cash Match/Other Income: Amount the grantee raised/contributed to match the IAC grant amount (IA-Project grantees must show a cash match of at least 25%)
  3. IAC Grant Amount Spent: Amount spent of the grant specific to this application. If this grant was not completely spent, the difference in unexpended grant funds must be returned.
  4. Actual Total Cash Project Income: sum of numbers 2e + 3.  This amount should equal at minimum the IAC grant amount plus the required cash match (if applicable). If this is not the case, you are required to explain the discrepancy and, may be required to return a portion of your grant proportionate to the discrepancy.
  5. Actual Project Expenses

    There are two columns under Actual Project Expenses

    Cash - use this column to record actual cash expenses
    In-Kind - use this column to record contributions of useable goods or services you received that you otherwise would have spent money to obtain.  Include volunteer/donated time.

  6. Marketing: actual cost of  marketing, publicity, and promotion of your project/activity (ads, flyers, brochures, postcards etc. (CASH AND/OR IN-KIND)
  7. Rentals: actual costs of space and/or equipment rentals associated with your project/activity. (CASH AND/OR IN-KIND)
  8. Personnel:  actual cost of artistic, technical or other labor employed for your project/activity.  May not include costs for your own time. (CASH AND/OR IN-KIND)
  9. Materials/Supplies: actual costs of materials or supplies used for your project/activity. (CASH AND/OR IN-KIND)
  10. Other Expenses (specify): Any other project expense not entered above. (CASH AND/OR IN-KIND)
  11. Actual Total Cash Project Expenses: Sum of lines 5 – 9d  - cash column (B)
  12. Net Cash Project gain/loss: (subtract line 10  from line 4)
  13. Actual Total In-Kind Contributions: Sum of line 6 – 9d – in-kind column (C)

If you have questions regarding the filing of the final report, please contact Sandra Velasquez, Chief Financial Officer, at (312) 814-4993 or
